Sunday, April 27, 2008

Support Systems

One of the most important things you can have before, during and after getting a cochlear implant is a good support system.

The candidacy process is long, and includes lots of testing. The actual surgery and recovery is physically grueling, and the process of being turned on is a long one.

When David is "turned on" in May, he will have many months of weekly mapping and speech therapy.

I have stood by him throughout it all, and we've had many wonderful family members step up and watch the kids during testing appointments, a last minute pre-op appointment, the actual surgery, and most of the week after surgery.

In the weeks and months to come, I will be there, through thick and thin, the good, the bad, and the incredibly frustrating. I know that those who have stood by us so far will be there too, cheering David on from the sideline and sharing in all of his joys and sorrows. They'll be there to pick us up when we're down, and celebrate when things are worth celebrating. They'll be there to help emotionally, and physically by watching the kids when we have something important to do.

To all of you out there reading, Thank you.

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