David continues to rock his implant. He's in speech therapy now, working with Rebecca once a week. He's making progress, though it's slow and frustrating at times.
Right now they're working on recognizing vowels sounds in closed sets of words, and working on l,r,w for consonants.
As far as how the implant has improved his hearing, here are the before and after audiograms!

The first one is pre-surgery from his CI evaluation. I left the info on the bottom so that you can get a gist of what it all means.
The second image is from ONE MONTH post activation. ONE MONTH. That is HUGE.
He went from 43% accuracy with his hearing aids on his HINT test with only auditory cues, to 76% correct with his implant. He scored 100% with auditory and visual cues in quiet conditions.
I can't wait until his next audiogram to see how things are changing.
We both continue to work hard, and it is paying off in a major way!
1 comment:
I am so happy to hear that David is doing so well! Congratulations to you both! It was great seeing you the other weekend too! I hope that things have calmed down a bit for you!
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