Friday, June 13, 2008

Speech Evaluation

David had his speech evaluation yesterday. We went in and talked about his goals, what he felt he needed work on and about how we're going to have homework, then I took the kids out so she could do the testing.

He was tested with the implant and the hearing aid, as well as with just the implant.

He practically aced it. He can determine word length, sentence length, environmental sounds, high frequencies, low name it, he did it. The only thing he really needs work on is some vowels, and consonant sounds. She is writing up the report for the insurance company so that they will cover his sessions.

She is going to work on the consonants with him, as well as distance, so that he will become better at understanding me if I'm in another room, or not looking directly at him. She will also work with him on environmental sounds without giving him choices to help him figure out what it is. She'll play a sound and have him tell her.

She told us for now to work on putting stress on different words like: I am going to the store. I am going to the store. I am going to the store.

Hopefully the insurance will come through quickly so that Martha and Rebecca can work together so that David's mapping will be more fine tuned.

I'm once again, simply amazed at how well David is progressing.

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